Philodendron Red Sun vs Red Moon

Philodendron Red Sun vs Red Moon

The Philodendron Plant is very famous because of its different types of plants. Two important cultivars of Philodendron are the red sun and the red moon. Both are famous among people because of their specific features and beauty. However, you need clarification when deciding on a single option from these two plants. Knowing the crucial differences between the Philodendron Red Sun vs. Red Moon can help you understand. Which option can prove the right choice and fulfill your requirements. 

Uncovering The Differences Between Philodendron Red Sun vs Red Moon:

You must know the crucial differences between the Philodendron Red Sun vs. Red Moon plants. 

A Short Introduction

The first difference between the Philodendron Red Sun vs. Red Moon is that you should know. About the background of these plants. The Philodendron Red Sun plant is called the Philodendron 'McColley's Finale' because its leaves reflect a ferocious sunset. This plant originated from the tropical rainforests of South America. People who want to add unique and attractive cultivars add this plant indoors. And increase the brightness and fierceness of their spaces. 

On the other hand, the Red Moon plant is also known as the Philodendron 'Prince of Orange.' This plant is famous because of its unique color combination of light yellow and dark red leaves. Which attract the attention of people very quickly and leave an impact of the mysterious moon in the vast sky. 

Foliage Features

The second difference is knowing about these plants' shapes and color features. The Philodendron Red Sun plant is famous because of its heart-shaped leaves and a color combination. Of red, orange, and pink hues, which reflects the combination when you see a sunset and as mesmerizing. As it is in seeing the natural sunset, seeing it in a plant is also unique. The luxurious leaves often reflect gradient effects and balance sophistication and modernism perfectly. 

On the other hand, the Red Moon plant has a lobed leaf shape and a velvety texture. With a color combination of yellow, deep red, and maroon hues. Due to these color combinations, your plant creates a profound and mesmerizing effect at night. Due to its unique shape, people love to buy this plant. Because it seems like other tropical plants, enhancing its worth. 

Size Matters

The third difference is to know about their sizes. It is essential to understand that Red Sun and Red Moon plants are compact, making them easy to handle. And keep in different indoor locations without worrying about space. It is essential to know that growing compact-sized plants is way better and more accessible than growing big plants. Because big plants require more space and can cause havoc while handling them. 

Temperature And Humidity Levels

The fourth difference is that you should know the specific temperature and humidity levels. For the growth of both these plants. Red Sun and Red Moon plants grow well in warm and higher temperatures and humidity levels. Ranging between 65°F to 80°F. You must also use a humidifier near these plants to maintain a well-balanced environment where these plants can thrive better. They can grow in average temperatures, too, but if you want better growth and shine from your plants. Then make sure to keep them in warm and higher-temperature areas. 

Soil Requirements

The fifth difference is that the Red Sun plant grows better with well-drained soil and a combination of organic matter. Ensure that a balance is maintained between the dry and wet soil because a balanced level availability of this soil. Type is highly beneficial for Red Sun’s growth. On the other hand, the Philodendron Red Moon Variegated also requires well-draining soil by adding perlite to dry it. A balance must be maintained between the wet and dry soil for its growth. 

Watering The Plants

The sixth difference is that the Red Sun plant regularly requires moist soil. When you want to water the plant, the upper area of the soil must be dry to contain enough water. For its growth to avoid overwatering, you should use a pot with holes to let out the excessive water. After watering the plant. The same rule applies to the Red Moon plant for proper growth and balance. Many people also love having the Orange Philodendron plant indoors and outdoors.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, the differences between the Philodendron Red Sun vs. Red Moon plants are vital to know about. Considering different differences can help an individual select a specific plant, which increases the worth and beauty of his home. And provides him mental peace with its simple care routine. It is essential to know that you can find rare and authentic tropical plants efficiently from Beleaf Tropicals.

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